Meet ORINOX at the Forum Digital of Laval on Tuesday 17th of novembre

Châteaubriant, October 2017


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What is happening in the extraordinary world of Human Resources? Well, we will be meeting a lot of potential future colleagues!

The virtual reality team, Jean-Charles CESBRON and our recruiter officer Anaïs HOUDIN-LECOURT will be on the October 17th at the “Forum Digital” organized by the LAVAL VIRTUAL CENTER during the Digital and Virtual Reality job fair.

After the visit of the technopole and the discovery of new technologies, a job dating will be held in order to discover new talents for ORINOX.

The Forum Digital is currently testing an innovative formula: CVs will have its QR code and each recruiter, using his/her dedicated application will "flash" the candidate. Even recruiting is becoming digital! This suggests good encounters with potential future collaborators.


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Position: Recruitment officer


Linkedin: Anaïs HOUDIN LECOURT