ORINOX Annual Day 2018

Châteaubriant, February 2018

The 10th ORINOX annual day took place this year, in Paris! It was a great opportunity for ORINOX FRANCE employees to catch up during this friendly meeting. Find here all details about this nice day!

Morning : introduction to some clients' projects

Following our director Maxime FOURREAU’s greetings, Maxime GUILLOIS introduced, in details, the SoCalGas Cloud Project, which is a world’s first! His report highlighted the OCWS solution, which is truly innovating, mature, and can be used anywhere in the world, on any project’s size.

Maxime GUILLOIS présente le projet SoCalGas avec OCWS


Then Haythem KAMOUN performed a speech about his current project at Technip FMC about information management tools.

Haythem KAMOUN nous parle de son projet chez TECHNIPFMC

After a short break involving delicious pastries, the Employee Delegation (Délégation Unique du Personnel in French) took the stage. New members were introduced, as well as the 2017 results and main subjects which will be covered during their mandate.

  Cest lheure de la pause chez ORINOX   Passation de lancienne DUP à la nouvelle


Etienne LEDOUX, AVEVA Account Manager and Fabio BOCCHI, AVEVA Application Engineer, held an interesting conference on the BIM’s 50th anniversary (Building Information Management) with AVEVA. All employees have appreciated this interactive speech.

Fabio BOCCHI présente 50 ans de BIM avec AVEVAEtienne LEDOUX présente 50 ans du BIM avec AVEVA 


Cocktail Lunch & workshops

During the lunch break, employees working on OCWS services, as well as the marketing service, have organized demo workshops in order to introduce ORINOX Cloud’s services:

  • ORINOX Model Review: innovating multi-support application allowing to visualize information stored on the cloud.
  • ORINOX WorkSpaces: Provision of virtual machines for collaborative multi-site work and pre-configured to host the major software vendors for industrial engineer & design;
  • ORINOX Dashboard: Dashboard of stored information, facilitating the sharing and inventory of available information;
  • ORINOX Immersive Training Simulator: Training simulator on industrial site allowing a very high rate of information retention thanks to the immersive properties of virtual reality and gamification.

Sharing such moments and new experiences have been well appreciated by employees, who have had the opportunity to test in avant-première these solutions!

Assia BELKACEM teste les solutions OCWS Immersive Training Simulator   ORINOX Model Review avec lHTC VIVE   Charlène JOLYS fait la démonstration dORINOX Model Review avec les Microsoft HoloLens

The afternoon: briefing on 2017, 2018 and its new adventures, collective activity

Maxime FOURREAU, CEO of ORINOX took a moment to explain how 2017 went and to talk about the new adventures that await ORINOX in 2018, especially the new premises for the Lyon Research Department and the ORINOX headquarters in Châteaubriant, but also the diversification of ORINOX: consulting and Cloud services.

The entire ORINOX team then took part in a team building activity, with Zen Organisation and its activity "An almost perfect Lego". The collaborators were divided into groups of 5 to 6, and had, turn by turn, to realize the largest tower, the longest bridge between two teams and to make guess to one of the members of their team the monument in Lego which they were assigned to.

Activité un Lego Presque Parfait Pont 2 Activité Un lego presque parfait Tour  Actvité Un lego presque parfait Pont 


ORINOX employees really enjoyed the activity, and everyone put their heart into it!

Congratulations to the winning teams:
1st on the podium: Guillaume BRILLET, Antoine CLEMENT, Romain LE GUEN, Loïc BRANELLEC, Leo SALVADOR, Anaïs HOUDIN-LECOURT
2nd on the podium: Rodolfo ROSA, Clémence GARCIA, Johan LE BEC, Jean-Charles CESBRON, Maxime GUILLOIS and Thomas MEREL


Equipe 1 gagnante activité Un Lego Presque Parfait  Equipe 2 gagnante activité Un Lego Presque Parfait


The evening: Dinner show at Disney Village

To end this beautiful day, we went to the dinner show "The legend of Buffalo Bill with Mickey and his friends" at the Disney Village. All employees were able to experience aTex-Mex American cuisine: corn bread, chili, Texan skillet, old-fashioned potatoes, all accompanied by a good pint and the clamor of the public.

La Légende de Buffalo Bill La team ORINOX



Thank you to everyone for being there and for your participation and to the organizing team, who coordinated this beautiful event to gather our more and more employees!

 Photo 2018 équipe ORINOX



Julia COLLINAuthor : Julia COLLIN 

Position: Marketing & PR Lead 

Mail: collin.julia@orinox.com

Linkedin: Julia COLLIN